Thursday, February 11, 2016This application is for the Op-Eds on Inequality Grant program. We want to support the authorship of persuasive and factual opinion pieces placed in popular media that provide the average reader a clearer understanding of the issue of income inequality, making the more academic critiques of Thomas Piketty's work (among others) accessible and relatable in practical terms.
Support is available for publication of:
1. new op-eds, or;
2. translations of existing op-eds, or;
3. additional placements of existing op-eds.
The author or the author's organization is primarily responsible for the successful placement of the op-ed in local media. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and may be submitted year-round.
Contact Emmanuel Martin at emmanuel.martin@atlasnetwork.org for updates and any questions related to this opportunity.
Credit : https://www.atlasnetwork.org/grants
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